Silent Tears

Difford's Guide
Discerning Drinkers (1 rating)

Servir em

Copo Collins

Fotografado em

Libbey Collins 12.5oz


Picles de jalapeño

Como fazer:

MEXER os primeiros 4 ingredientes com gelo e coar para um copo cheio de gelo. COMPLETAR com ginger beer. Ingrediente especial #1: Salmoura picante (feito com 100g chili verde ou Jalapeño cozido em 100ml de água fervente e depois adicionar 70ml de vinagre branco e 15g de sal. Ajustar dependendo do chili. Misturar ecoar com passador e peneira.

1 1/2 fl oz Cacao & coffee spiced rum
1/2 fl oz *Ingrediente especial #1 (veja acima)
1 1/3 fl oz Suco fresco de Abacaxi
1/3 fl oz Cucumber sugar syrup
2 fl oz Thomas Henry Ginger Beer
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Makes a minimum of ... cocktails
Just £ -.-- per cocktail*

* This list may not include all required ingredients.
Price per cocktail is an estimate based on the cost of making one cocktail with the available ingredients shown above and does not include any postage charges.
Buy direct from Difford’s Guide
Difford's Easy Jigger
£8.72 £8.72 exc VAT


Sabor vegetal e de chocolate com nota spicantes do chili e gengibre.


Adaptado de receita criada em 2019 por Colin Chia, no Nutmeg & Clove, Singapura.

Difford's Guide tem conteúdo gratuito graças a apoio das marcas em verde. Values stated for alcohol and calorie content, and number of drinks an ingredient makes should be considered approximate.

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Buy direct from
the_whisky_exchange store logo
£ -.--

Makes a minimum of ... cocktails
Just £ -.-- per cocktail*

* This list may not include all required ingredients.
Price per cocktail is an estimate based on the cost of making one cocktail with the available ingredients shown above and does not include any postage charges.
Buy direct from Difford’s Guide
Difford's Easy Jigger
£8.72 £8.72 exc VAT
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