Lemon wedge
Como fazer:
SHAKE all ingredients with ice and strain into ice-filled glass.
1 1/2 fl oz | Gin |
1/2 fl oz | Adoçante |
1 fl oz | Suco fresco de Limão Siciliano |
2 dash | Angostura Aromatic Bitters (opcional) |
To make Adoçante:
Stir 2 cups of powdered Xylitol Sweetener into 1 cup of water in a pan over low heat. Allow to cool, bottle and store your sugar-free sweetener in a refrigerator. The XyloSweet brand of Xylitol Sweetener performs well.
Zingy candied sherbet lemon with hints of botanical complexity and herbal bitters.
This drink is better with the addition of dashes of aromatic bitters but this will add trace amounts of sugar.
Adapted from Dale DeGroff's original Fitzgerald by yours truly in January 2019.
102 calorias
Alcohol content:
- 1 standard drinks
- 15.93% alc./vol. (31.86° proof)
- 14.4 grams of pure alcohol
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