Mojito (no added sugar & low-calorie)

Difford's Guide
Discerning Drinkers (2 ratings)

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Copo Collins


Ramo de hortelã

Como fazer:

MACERAR levemente a hortelã (só para amassar) no fundo do copo. Acrescentar rum, suco de limão e adoçante sem açúcar. Encher o copo até a metade com gelo triturado e MEXER com colher de bar. Encher o copo com mais gelo triturado e mexer mais um pouco. COMPLETAR com soda, mexer e servir com canudos ecológicos.

8 fresh Folhas de Hortelã
1 1/2 fl oz Light white rum (charcoal-filtered 1-4 years old)
3/4 fl oz Suco fresco de Limão
1/2 fl oz Adoçante
1 1/2 fl oz Thomas Henry Soda Water
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Difford’s Guide to Cocktails Book 17th Edition

Perhaps the world's biggest cocktail book! Certainly, our biggest yet, 624 pages, 6cm (2.3inch) thick and weighing 2.25kg (5lb). Our Seventeenth Edition

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Easy Jigger

The Easy Jigger® is a measure designed for use when making cocktails, primarily in the home but also by professional bartenders. It has a unique design

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To make Adoçante:

Stir 2 cups of powdered Xylitol Sweetener into 1 cup of water in a pan over low heat. Allow to cool, bottle and store your sugar-free sweetener in a refrigerator. The XyloSweet brand of Xylitol Sweetener performs well.


Adaptação da receita clássica feita por este autor (Simon Difford) em janeiro de 2019. Para mais receitas, origens e história, veja a nossa página sobre o Coquetel Mojito.

Alcohol content:

  • 1.3 standard drinks
  • 14.12% alc./vol. (28.24° proof)
  • 18 grams of pure alcohol
Difford's Guide tem conteúdo gratuito graças a apoio das marcas em verde. Values stated for alcohol and calorie content, and number of drinks an ingredient makes should be considered approximate.

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Difford’s Guide to Cocktails Book 17th Edition

Perhaps the world's biggest cocktail book! Certainly, our biggest yet, 624 pages, 6cm (2.3inch) thick and weighing 2.25kg (5lb). Our Seventeenth Edition

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Easy Jigger image

Easy Jigger

The Easy Jigger® is a measure designed for use when making cocktails, primarily in the home but also by professional bartenders. It has a unique design

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