
John Hinojos’ Avatar John Hinojos
16th March 2022 at 03:41
What a great after dinner or evening cocktail. A burst of flavours and the right hint of herbal to make for an excellent night cap.
Tuber Magnatum’s Avatar Tuber Magnatum
14th May 2021 at 23:25
I love this drink! Have tried with just mint, just cherry, and both together. Just to clarify though, 15th edition notes "...we prefer half yellow and half green.." Chartreuse. Web version and what I have been doing is 1/2 D.O.M. and Yellow Chartreuse. Also, the book suggests trying a shaken version which I have done and must say I quite like that as well, but then I prefer a more dilute and colder drink all things equal.
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
15th May 2021 at 21:07
The various editions of the book leave a literal paper trail of my learnings. Shaking adds beneficial dilution and aeration. Adding a splash of water, as per above, also works well and produces a better-looking drink. Shaking produces a less attractive cocktail that arguably tastes more alive.
Geoff B.’s Avatar Geoff B.
22nd November 2020 at 05:43
When using Daron Calvados, this cocktail works well with the yellow chartreuse, Benedictine, and the added dilution. Apple, honey, and caramel lend itself to a complex after dinner drink with a crisp and herbaceous aftertaste that has me going back for more. Wish I had mint in hand since that would compliment the autumnal botanicals.
David M.’s Avatar David M.
22nd November 2020 at 05:40
Incredible! So many great flavors blending harmoniously. Apple, herbs—can’t miss that it’s Chartreuse. A wonderful honeyed sweetness and mouthfeel to make a perfect end-of-evening drink.
Kjell Eriksson’s Avatar Kjell Eriksson
6th June 2020 at 21:37
Today, June 6, is also the Swedish National Day. So we drink a Swedish Rum Punch. Skål!
Simon Difford’s Avatar Simon Difford
7th June 2020 at 09:06
Many thanks for bringing this to my attention. We'll add Swedish National Day to our 6th June Cocktail of the Day page for next year. Swedish Rum Punch is a fitting suggestion.