Photographed in an
Urban Bar Freddo Old Fashioned5/6 fl oz | Patrón Reposado tequila |
5/6 fl oz | Patrón Silver blanco tequila |
5/12 fl oz | Cointreau triple sec liqueur |
5/12 fl oz | Agave syrup |
3/4 fl oz | Lime juice (freshly squeezed) |
4 drop | Difford's Margarita Bitters |
Read about cocktail measures and measuring.
How to make:
- Select and pre-chill an Old-fashioned glass.
- Prepare garnish of orange juice and salt rim, garnish with lime wedge.
- SHAKE all ingredients with ice.
- STRAIN into ice-filled glass.
Fifty Fifty Margarita
Strength & taste guide:
I was tempted to also split the citrus juice to also bring lemon or even pink grapefruit juice into this cocktail but when I made the recipe above it was so tasty that I opted to leave well alone.
Margarita on-the-rocks (Difford's recipe)
Improved Trashy Margarita
Margarita (straight-up)
Margarita (frozen)
Mezcal Margarita
Adapted from a recipe created in February 2023 by Simon Day, a fellow Discerning Drinker, and shared via a comment on our Margarita on-the-rocks page. As Simon says, "Quite excellent." I added a split tequila base to Simon's recipe and slighted upped the volumes.
Margarita cocktail history
One serving of 50:50 Margarita contains 178 calories.
Alcohol content:
- 1.3 standard drinks
- 18.86% alc./vol. (37.72° proof)
- 18.4 grams of pure alcohol
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