Photographed in
UB Nick and Nora Gold 6oz1 1/2 fl oz | Hayman's London Dry Gin |
3/4 fl oz | Strucchi Rosso Vermouth |
1/4 fl oz | Amer Picon |
1 dash | Orange Bitters by Angostura |
How to make:
- Select and pre-chill a Nick & Nora glass.
- Prepare garnish of orange zest twist.
- STIR all ingredients with ice.
- FINE STRAIN into chilled glass.
- EXPRESS orange zest twist over the cocktail and use as garnish.
Recipe contains the following allergens:
- Strucchi Rosso Vermouth – Sulphur Dioxide/Sulphites
Strength & taste guide:
Dry, spirituous and zesty, this is a cocktail that lends itself equally to apéritif or after-dinner occasions.
In his 1935 The Old Waldorf Astoria Bar Book A.S. Crockett describes the Fin de Siècle as a very different drink to the above, a "Tom Collins with grenadine and raspberry syrup." He adds, "Name dates it back to 1899 or 1900, when the term was much used, but much mispronounced." In the "Baptismal" chapter he says, "The Fin de Siècle came toward the end of the century, when the expression became current in magazines and newspapers, and when lots of Americans were taking their first steps in French. What they said when they meant to order such a cocktail is another matter."
Albert Stevens Crockett, The Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book, 1935
Orange Bitters
One Dash Amer Picon Bitters
One-third Italian Vermouth
Two-thirds Plymouth Gin (Stir)
156 calories
Alcohol content:
- 1.4 standard drinks
- 26.38% alc./vol. (52.76° proof)
- 19.9 grams of pure alcohol
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