Photographed in a
Waterford Mixology Coupe Clear1 1/2 fl oz | Hayman's London Dry Gin |
3/4 fl oz | Grand Marnier or other cognac orange liqueur |
3/4 fl oz | Strucchi Rosso Vermouth |
Read about cocktail measures and measuring.
How to make:
- Select and pre-chill a Coupe glass.
- Prepare garnish of orange zest twist.
- STIR all ingredients with ice.
- FINE STRAIN into chilled glass.
- EXPRESS orange zest twist over the cocktail and use as garnish.
Recipe contains the following allergens:
- Strucchi Rosso Vermouth – Sulphur Dioxide/Sulphites
Strength & taste guide:
A boozy sipper of a cocktail that's medium dry with honeyed richness. Gin-based with zesty orange freshness and sweet vermouth adding deep herbal complexity. A great after-dinner cocktail that also works well on-the-rocks.
This should not be confused with the more commonplace equal parts gin, Chartreuse and vermouth Bijou which first appeared in Harry Johnson's 1900 Bartender's Manual.
Adapted from the original equal parts gin, Grand Marnier and sweet vermouth recipe in C. F. Lawlor's 1895 book The Mixicologist in which he describes this as "a delicious drink." Handily adding, "Grand Marnier can also be served in a pony-glass like any liqueur." Remember, Louis-Alexandre Marnier-Lapostolle only created Grand Marnier 15 years earlier and it must have taken a while for the new liqueur to find its way from France to the Grand Hotel in Cincinnati where Lawlor worked, so he was commenting on what was then an exciting new product.
Bijou Cocktail.
C-F-Lawlor, 1895
1/3 Grand Marnier.
1/3 Vermouth.
1/3 Plymouth Gin.
Mix and strain ; a delicious drink. Grand Marnier can also be served in pony-glass like any liquor.
One serving of Bijou Cocktail (inspired by Lawlor's 1895 recipe) contains 187 calories.
Alcohol content:
- 1.8 standard drinks
- 27.24% alc./vol. (54.48° proof)
- 24.5 grams of pure alcohol
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