This is simply whisky and water, but as with the Japanese tea ceremony, observing the time and care taken over it making and the prolonged anticipation
This cocktail is sadly often overlooked in favour of the bourbon-based Whiskey Sour. Depending on the peatiness of the whisky, I don't tend to add bitters
Honey lifts and enhances this blend of Scotch whisky, single Islay malt and dry vermouth.
A Scotch Margarita - try it, it works.
A Scotch whisky-based Sweet Manhattan with orange bitters.
This citrusy drink seems to enrich and enhance the flavour of Scotch.
On the bitter side of bittersweet and, depending on your Scotch, faintly smoky.
Simple, refreshing and brilliant. One of the best ways to appreciate a good scotch whisky.
A tart, Manhattan-like combo of Scotch, sweet vermouth and triple sec.
If you like Scotch and enjoy creamy drinks, you'll love this.
Lightly sweetened Scotch with a touch of aromatic bitter spice: like a homemade whisky liqueur.
This drink's name and reputation as a hangover cure may lead you to assume it tastes unpleasant. In fact, honey, whisky and cream combine wonderfully.
This two-parts scotch to one-part sweet vermouth may be old-school but it remains tasty and the scotch whisky counterpart to a Gin and It.
A Blood and Sand without the blood (cherry brandy) so drier. The dusting of nutmeg is critical to the success of this old-school classic.
A creamy, malty affair.
Citrus sourness drowns the Scotch whisky in the original equal parts recipe of this Sidecar made with Scotch in place of cognac (although, I suspect the
If you use quality pomegranate syrup and have a penchant for Scotch, then you could be pleasantly surprised by this cocktail.
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