Dark 'N' Stormy (Difford's recipe)

Difford's Guide
Discerning Drinkers (213 ratings)

Serve in a

Collins glass

Photographed in an

UB Koto Collins 35cl


Lime wedge

How to make:

SHAKE first 4 ingredients with ice and strain into ice-filled glass. TOP with ginger beer and briefly stir.

1 2/3 fl oz Dark/black/blackstrap rum
2/3 fl oz Lime juice (freshly squeezed)
1/3 fl oz Sugar syrup 'rich' (2 sugar to 1 water, 65.0°Brix)
2 dash Angostura Aromatic Bitters
3 fl oz Thomas Henry Ginger Beer

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Dark 'n' Stormy


A Daiquiri made with pungent dark rum, topped and made refreshing with spicy ginger beer. Part of the Mule family - but is distinctive due to the strong flavour of the dark rum.


Simpler Dark 'N' Stormy Highball


The national drink of Bermuda, where ginger beer and Gosling's rum (a brand of dark rum most associated with this cocktail) are produced.

Who first made or named the Dark 'N' Stormy is unknown but legend has it that it was created, or at least first enjoyed, by British sailors on shore leave in Bermuda after World War I.


One serving of Dark 'N' Stormy (Difford's recipe) contains 193 calories.

Alcohol content:

  • 1.2 standard drinks
  • 9.58% alc./vol. (19.16° proof)
  • 16.4 grams of pure alcohol
Difford's Guide remains free-to-use thanks to the support of the brands in green above. Values stated for alcohol and calorie content, and number of drinks an ingredient makes should be considered approximate.

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* This list may not include all required ingredients.
Price per cocktail is an estimate based on the cost of making one cocktail with the available ingredients shown above and does not include any postage charges.
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Difford's Easy Jigger
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