Classic recipes

Classic Daiquiri recipes

When ordering a Daiquiri, like when ordering a Martini or even a steak, you should convey exactly how you'd like it served. It's essential to be specific as ordering just a "Daiquiri" could result in your being asked, "What flavour would you like - strawberry, banana, mango or pineapple?" In such cases answering, "just lime, please" often leaves the questioner perplexed.

When I first visited Cuba back in the late 1990s, I learned that asking for a mere "Daiquiri" (pronounced 'Dye-Ker-Ree') would result in my being served a blended slushy Daiquiri, the default serve for a Daiquiri on the hot island. I quickly learnt that, at that time in Cuba, you needed to order a "Natural Daiquiri" when seeking a classic shaken rather than blended Daiquiri.

Constantino "Constante" Ribalaïgua Vert, the bartender who presided over the bar at Havana's La Florida (later renamed Floridita) from circa 1914 until his death in early December 1952, is credited with making the frozen Daiquiri famous. (It was created by Emilio Gonzalez. He also further confused ordering a Daiquiri by listing his Daiquiri adaptations by number, presumably in the order in which he created them.

Thus, the "original"/"classic" Daiquiri, created by Jennings Cox circa 1898, is termed Daiquiri No. 1, and this can be served:

Constante's numbering daiquiris is recorded in the 1934 1st edition of his bar's Bar La Florida Cocktails, menu book as follows:

A fifth Daiquiri appears in the 1939 edition of the bar's menu book:

Daiquiri No. 1 (6:2:1 formula) image
Daiquiri (on-the-rocks) image
Daiquiri (frozen) image
Daiquiri Frappé image
Daiquiri No. 2 image
Daiquiri No.2 (El Floridita style) image
Daiquiri No. 3 image
Daiquiri No. 4 image
Daiquiri No. 5 (Pink Daiquiri) image
Hemingway Special Daiquiri (Papa Doble) image
El Presidente image
Honeysuckle Daiquiri image
Hotel Nacional Special image
Mulata Daiquiri image
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