The classic Piña Colada and numerous recipes proving there's more to Colada cocktails than just rum, pineapple and coconut.
A splash of cachaça adds some Latin funk, lime adds a citrusy bite while a splash of fresh cream makes this Piña Colada creamy white.
Green Chartreuse blended with coconut and pineapple – yummm.
Deliciously creamy pineapple and coconut enlivened by champagne with rum notes shining through.
Don't skimp, use a whole banana per drink for real flavour.
How brilliantly and seductively creamy coconut tames absinthe and rhum agricole makes this colada served frappé dangerous.
As the name suggests this tall shaken cocktail has strong flavours of pineapple and almond.
A wonderful creamy, fruity concoction that's not half as sticky as the world would have you believe. Too much ice will detract from the creaminess and
Rum and pineapple strike up a tropical harmony, helped by coconut, passionfruit and orange.
Creamy yoghurt married with aged rum and richly flavoured with vanilla.
A ridiculously simple, three-equal-parts party cocktail, shaken to produce a pineapple and coconut cocktail fortified with rum and crowned with a foamy
The broadside firepower of navy rum balances sweet pineapple and coconut in what is an all too delicious Tiki-style libation.
Angostura and salt make this a less sticky Colada.
Coconut rum and pineapple juice with balancing lime tartness.
Gin and delicate maraschino cherry with orange and lemon, coconut and a hint of Norwegian aquavit character.
BLEND all ingredients with scoop of crushed ice and pour into chilled glass.
A Piña Colada with its guts ripped out.
This Colada has no coconut, but it is smooth, balanced and rather tasty.
Adapted from a recipe created by Allan Suárez of Mexico who is a Patrón Perfectionists Global Finalist 2020.
An indulgent use of bitters to produce an equally indulgent, and a tad challenging, cocktail.
Just as it says on the tin – a White Negroni crossed with a Piña Colada, but the delight of crossbreeding is a tasty mezcal-based mongrel of a cocktail.
A yoghurt and rum based pineapple and coconut drink, and if your blender is sufficiently powerful, with tiny fragments of pineapple shrapnel.
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